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Monday, April 3, 2017

Battle of the Sexes: What Do You Need To Know?

For generations, we have always battled, within ourselves, and amongst our peers about why women tend to behave in a certain way, and why men do what they do. We usually think of women as nurturing and closely attached to their emotional side, while heir male counterparts are often associated with a big ego and, in a way, emotionless.

I have done some research of my own, and have some opinions on the topic. Despite growing equality, the sexes still battle to see eye to eye- which, in my opinion, is the reason why we get attracted to each other in the first place. But are we really wired that way? Is it really that we have different genes, or is it just because of what the society says about us?

Are Our Genes Different?
Masculinity and ego are, in the eyes of society, what defines a man. But if ego is defined as the desire to be unique and independent, then I guess it's not a 'guy thing' after all. When you look at our psychological make up, everyone has physical and emotional need. The only difference is our upbringings- how the society expects a girl child to behave, and how a boy should behave. The differences we see in the two genders are caused merely by how we think of the genders, when in true essence, we are really almost the same- in most cases.

Nature and Nurture as a cause.
I hate taken the liberty of grtting help from other atricles and sources to support my views. So is it really because it is in our nature to, as men, have a bigger ego and be less emotional? An article that was written on Wikipedia just sounded too relevant to ignore. It reads:

"..Such variation may be both innate or learned and is often very difficult to distinguish. Modern research attempts to distinguish between such differences, and to analyze any ethical concerns raised. Since behavior is a result of interactions between nature and nurture researchers are interested in investigating how biology and environment interact to produce such differences,[1][2][3] although this is often not possible.[4]"

So, what I basically am trying to prove is that we are different in a way, but society plays a major role in most of the differences we experience experience today.

Recap of what we have learnt
The ego of the male species; the emotion-filled nature of women; and many other differences may have been cause mainly by how much the society has brainwashed us. Soon enough, you have to understand that if you strip away all these layers, the differences are almost only the physical attributes, almost.

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