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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Stop Being a Pushover: How To Stand Up For Yourself. -Njescor The Blog

I have been told countless times how much good hearted and how much of a good guy I am. I always told myself that I am a person who gives selflessly and that I am far from being an asshole, and that is a good thing.

I am the type of guy who will keep quiet even if someone is doing something that is tearing my heart apart simply for one reason: I hate saying something that will hurt someone's feelings, even if it is the mere truth.๐Ÿ™Š

It actually feels good when you have everyone's approval๐Ÿ‘ and getting great birthday messages like: "'re a good guy Njescor and every girl would be lucky to have someone like you..." the only problem starts when your "giving" leaves you at a point where you sacrifice your happiness for no reason, and you are left with nothing!

The best ways to stop feeling the need to give, give, give is to find self-confidence.
Most of the time, we are pushovers because we are afraid that our opinions may be wrong and may hurt other people's feelings.

Breathe like you're doing yoga.
One exercise that my grandma taught me was how to take deep breaths for 10 secinds before saying something. She said that this way, you avoid saying things that you will regret for the rest of your life. This came very handy when I started saying what I wanted to say.

Stop Apologizing!
Being a pushover means apologizing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ÿthings you didn't even do! Some people find that very fustrating and you need to just stop it. Most of using us do this just for the title of "the bigger man". That actually doesn't benefit you in any way, simply because you didn't do nothing in the first place.
Do you really need other people's approval?
As I've mentioned before, we pay so much attention to other people's feelings simply to get their approval. The question you should ask yourself is, do you really need someone else to tell you that you're a good guy? I mean, you already know that by heart, why should anyone else's opinion matter?
Know what makes YOU happy
Instead of making everyone else happy, know what makes you happy and start doing that. How many times have you spent money on friends who don't spend a dime on your happiness? Does that really benefit you, or does it leave you just over broke at the end of the month? Make yourself happy, even if it means losing a few friends, they probably weren't worth it in the first place.๐Ÿ˜‰

It all starts with a certain mindset, change that and you will do everything you want to. Being confident for starters. Being a pushover idms caused by your inability to express your real feelings. Learn how to be confident and you can say and do everything you really want.

The other important thing to learn is worrying about yourself for a change. So far, you've worried so much about other people's feelings. What about your own? Worrying about yourself and doing what makes you happy doesn't make you a bad person, it actually makes you a better person.๐Ÿ’•

Find that kind if confidence, and you shall find inner peace. ✌

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